Reason to Be

“As professors in the Department of Religion, we are often asked by prospective students (and their parents) about the ‘Christian’ in Texas Christian University, or the ‘C,’ as they more often put it, in TCU…” So opens an interesting blog post that I think is well worth the read; for it tries to elaborate on the role of the study of religion at private denomination college — specifically, one affiliated with the Disciples of Christ. […]

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“Nobody’s Gonna Go Out With Me…”

This blog was started in our Department back in May 2012, anticipating the 2012-13 academic year’s lecture series that had four different guests all focus on the relevance of the Humanities — a national debate here in the US for decades but one that was obviously heightened in the face of the 2008 economic collapse both here and abroad. The Department, under then Chair Ted Trost, decided to tackle this head on. And so I started posting periodically on why […]

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Where Are They Now?

Now there’s a rag-tag group of undergraduate liberal arts majors, if ever I saw one. Samuel Alito, B.A. in Public & International Affairs (Princeton University 1972) Stephen Breyer, B.A. in Philosophy (Stanford University, 1959) Ruth Bader Ginzburg, B.A. in Government (Cornell University, 1954) Elena Kagan, B.A. in History (Princeton University, 1981) Anthony Kennedy, B.A. in Political Science (Stanford University, 1958) John Roberts, A.B. in History (Harvard College, 1976) Antonin Scalia, B.A. in History (Georgetown University, 1957) Sonia Sotomayor, B.A. in […]

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