Image of Casey A'Hearn

Casey A'Hearn

Degree Program: MA

Graduation Year: 2024

Advisor: Richard Newton


Casey graduated from the University of Rochester with a B.A. with honors in Religion. As a McNair Scholar, Casey examined the ways that creative writing and religious theology were intertwined by using the theory of subcreation to analyze myths of Christian afterlife, producing their first publication, “Heaven and Hell: A Creative Writing Process.” This interest in creative writing drew Casey to analyze The Divine Comedy and explore the relationship between subcreation and Dante’s Inferno. Casey is also concerned with the intersection of feminist studies and religion which led to them to produce an honors thesis that diachronically analyzed the worship of the goddess Asherah in the Ancient Near East from the Late Bronze Age to the Iron Age. Casey begins their M.A in the fall, where they hope to continue their passions for analyzing creative writing processes in connection with religious landscapes and their effect on society. In 2022-23 Casey holds a McNair Graduate Fellowship.