
Manly Hall from the Woods Quad side, with banners hanging from the second-floor balcony
Each Honors Week, the department’s balcony is hung with banners listing past years’ Silverstein Scholars and Fellows.

Your gifts create opportunities.

Although the state of Alabama makes possible the work carried out by the faculty and staff of the Department of Religious Studies, private giving also plays an important role in the life of the department.

From the Aronov Endowment to the Silverstein Scholars and Fellows, the Ulysses S. Goodwyn Award, and such funds as the Amy Lynn Petersen Endowed Support Fund and the Congregation Ah-Goodies Ah-Chem Endowed Support Fund, the department’s mission of teaching about religion in a descriptive and cross-culturally comparative manner is carried out all the more effectively because of those who have made us the beneficiaries of their generosity.

The funds that result from such gifts allow the department to provide its students with scholarships and even work experience. Our faculty’s teaching and research also benefit and they assist us to provide programs that are open to the public. Even historic Manly Hall — the place where all of this work is carried out — has benefited from the foresight of our donors.

Gifts to the Department of Religious Studies can be for any amount and can either be designated by the donor for a specific purpose or undesignated for general departmental needs. Gifts may also be directed toward already existing funds.

How to Give

Giving is quick, easy, and secure:

Open the University’s online giving page.

In the “Find your fund” search box, locate the Department of Religious Studies Gift Fund, which serves general department needs.

Or you can give to one of our specific funds, including

Complete the remainder of the form, and then submit your information. You’ll be directed to the payment page. There is also an option to share your gift on social media.

More Ways to Give

Write a post on our grad blog and maybe even invite you to come back to town to talk to our current students about what might await them once they graduate.


If you would like to discuss the possibility of giving to the department, or learn more about our goals and needs, then please contact the chair by mail, phone, or email.

Dr. Steven Ramey
Professor and Department Chair
Dept. Religious Studies
211 Presidents Hall
University of Alabama
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0264
(205) 348-5271