Photo of MA student Maggie Weathermax

Maggie Weatherwax

Degree Program: MA

Graduation Year: 2026

Advisor: Vaia Touna


Maggie graduated from Nebraska Wesleyan University in 2024 with a B.A. in History and Philosophy & Religion, with minors in Art History and Modern Language Literacy (French). Her research interests involve identity formation, collective memory, and imperial acquisition of art. These interests informed her undergraduate senior thesis, Delacroix’s Tigers: How Eugéne Delacroix’s Depictions of Tigers Reflect Early 19th Century French Imperialism, Orientalism, and Romanticism (which won Best Senior Thesis in the History Department). After completing the Religion in Culture M.A. program, Maggie hopes to continue research in art history, focusing on provenance and repatriation work.