Research Overview

While our faculty members work in the area known as social theory (which means that they use the study of religion as their way of understanding how groups are formed, negotiated, reproduced, and contested) the regional or historical domain in which they each carry out this work varies from person to person — from ancient India and the Greco-Roman world to the modern Middle East, the Afro-Caribbean and the Americas.

Given the breadth of their training and our faculty members’ nationally and internationally recognized expertise, both our undergraduate and graduate supervision positions our students to pose novel questions and to pursue them either in traditional or unexpected — but always productive — places.

Areas of Expertise

The expertise of our faculty covers the following thematic areas.

  • Antiquity
  • Authenticity
  • Classification
  • Colonialism
  • Computational Analysis
  • Diaspora & Immigration
  • Digital Humanities
  • Gender
  • Holocaust & Genocide
  • Identity
  • International Development
  • Literature
  • Method & Theory
  • Myth & Ritual
  • The Nones
  • Origins
  • The Past
  • Politics
  • Popular Culture
  • Public Humanities
  • Race
  • Secularism
  • Signification
  • Textuality