Photo of Dr. Basauri Ziuzina

Anna Mariya Basauri Ziuzina

Instructor |
A&S Coordinator of Undergrad Research

Office Hours

By appointment


  • PhD, Religious Studies, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Kyiv, Ukraine)


Dr. Basauri Ziuzina was trained in translation at Kyiv National Linguistic University (Ukraine) and in religious studies at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine). She got her Ph.D. in religious studies at the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Kyiv, Ukraine) in 2015. Her PhD research was devoted the history of the Jewish theological education. She had been teaching at the Department of Theology and Religious Studies of Dragomanov University for more than 10 years.

Ukraine has a rich Jewish history, therefore Dr. Basauri Ziuzina organized three summer schools on Judaism, when students from different Ukrainian universities could immerse themselves into hands-on experience of learning about Judaism “on the spot”. She was also (co-)editor of three collections of papers, written by the professors and students, who participated in these schools.

Dr. Basauri Ziuzina is a member of several professional associations in Ukraine and Europe, she is a board member in Workshop for the Academic Study of Religions (Ukraine) and International Study of Religion in Eastern and Central Europe Association. After the beginning of the full-scale invasion in Ukraine, she is volunteering for Religion on Fire project, a research project aiming at documenting the damage and destruction of religious buildings in Ukraine.

Dr. Basauri Ziuzina is also Coordinator of Undergraduate Research at ICUE Connector at the College of Arts and Sciences.

Selected Publications

  • “The Impact of War on Christian Communities of Ukraine (Based on Materials from the Religion on Fire project)” in Review of Ecumenical Studies 15 (3/2023), p. 297–322 (forthcoming).
  • “Religious Pluralism and Religious Markets in Ukraine” in Portrait of a (European) Country (in Transition) (NOMOS, 2024, forthcoming).
  • “Combining the (In)Compatible”: Ukrainian Strategies of Combining Conflicting Identities (religious, feminist and/or LGBTQ+)” (in Ukrainian: “Поєднуючи (не)сумісне: українські стратегії поєднання суперечливих ідентичностей (релігійної, феміністичної та/або ЛГБТ+)”) in Релігієзнавчі нариси, 2022, № 12.
  • “Atheism in the Context of the Secularization and Desecularization of Ukraine in the 20th Century.” In Tomas Bubik, Atko Remmel, David Vaclavik (eds.), Freethought and Atheism in Central and Eastern Europe: The Development of Secularity and Non-Religion(Routledge, 2020).
  • “Judaism” (in Ukrainian: “Іудаїзм”) in Денис Брильов (ред.), Релігієзнавство: навчальний посібник (Київ: Дух і Літера, 2018).
  • “Usage of Soviet Russian Works in Ukrainian Atheistic Papers on Judaism in 1957-1989 (the case of M. Shakhnovich wokrs)” (in Ukrainian: “Використання російського радянського доробку в українських науково-атеїстичних творах про юдаїзм 1957–1989 рр. (на прикладі творів М.Й. Шахновича),” in Науковий щорічник «Історія релігій в Україні», 2017, № 27, Ч. 2.
  • “The Study of Judaism in Soviet Ukraine (1957-1985): T. Kychko, A. Edelman, and I. Myhovych” (in Ukrainian: “Дослідження іудаїзму в радянській Україні (1957–1985): Т.К. Кичко, А.І. Едельман та І.І. Мигович”) in Науковий щорічник «Історія релігій в Україні», 2015, № 25, Ч. 2.
  • “The Academic Study of Judaism in Independent Ukraine” (in Ukrainian: “Академічне дослідження іудаїзму в незалежній Україні”) in Філософська думка, 2013, № 3.