REL 311.001

English Bible as Literature

T | 3:30-5:50

PRH 210

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Core writing course analyzes a number of books of the Bible, examining and evaluating each as an example of a particular literary genre.

 This course offers a critical study of the Hebrew Bible (TANAKH) and the Christian Bible as distinct but related literary and theological traditions. Stories will be examined in relation to their literary, cultural, and historical contexts. Emphasis will be placed on narratives and especially the literary qualities of the texts: the uses of symbol, metaphor, repetition; typology and myth; dialogue, narrative technique, and type-scenes; and above all, the relationships among texts. Other approaches to the study of the Bible will also be encouraged and explored during the semester. 

Theodore Louis Trost

  • Office hours: 

    Thursday, 2pm-3:15pm  & by appointment

  • (205) 348-5271
Books are available at the SUPe Store and online through vendors such as

Online Readings

Blackboard Other texts will be available through the Blackboard course site.