Learning to be Quick and Agile

Did you attend the inaugural Hidden Humanities Lecture last night in Gorgas Library (sponsored by the College and Arts & Sciences)? No? Well, you missed quite an event — it was filmed so watch for that in the coming weeks. And don’t forget, the second lecture is coming up in late February, with a new speaker. In the meantime, check out this video of Prof. Ferris, last evening’s lecturer, talking about the Humanities… the gateway to success, it’s the gateway […]

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A Word from the Balcony

A yesterday a colleague posted a blog with three hypotheses on the topic of studying a thing called American Religious History — concerning how it may very well be a nationalist project, from start to finish (no matter how it is done), and that it is a discourse that may have historical continuities with (and practical effects akin to) the world religious discourse that so many in our field now claim to critique. His point, as I read him, was […]

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It Ain’t Sexy But….

We have Kelly Baker on campus, here to give the second annual Day Lecture. On the ride to Tuscaloosa form the Birmingham airport the other day, we got talking about the issue of contingent faculty in academia (a topic on which she has blogged) or, more specifically, about how the issue plays out in the academic study of religion. We talked about the American Academy of Religion’s current forays into the issue (e.g., a task force she is herself involved […]

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It’s All Relative

Relativism, and criticisms of it — “Oh, you’re a relativist!” — strike me as similar to claims of reductionism: the problem isn’t (as critics of reductionism claim) that one reduces one’s object of study to something other than what it already is, but that someone else reduces it to something different than what you want to boil it down to. That not a lot of so-called religious people are walking around spontaneously reporting that they’ve experienced a hierophany of a […]

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