Tag: Pentecostalism

“They Shall Take Up Car Keys…”

There’s a new book out about Pentecostal snake handlers in the US. As described on the publisher’s site (click the image above to go there), the book is concerned with addressing the following question: Despite scores of deaths from snakebite and the closure of numerous churches in recent decades, there remains a small contingent of serpent handlers devoted to keeping the practice alive…. What motivates them to continue their potentially lethal practices through the generations? I’ve discussed these groups in […]

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New Hire in REL

We’re extremely pleased to announce that, as of August 2016, we will have another new colleague in REL. Suma Ikeuchi is currently a doctoral candidate at Emory University, where she will receive her Ph.D. in Cultural Anthropology in May 2016. She also has an M.A. in Anthropology from Brandeis University and a B.A. in both History and Anthropology from Hokkaido University, Japan. […]

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