REL 130.001

Religion, Politics, and Law

T, R | 12:30-1:45

FA 214

View Online Syllabus

This introductory level course examines the construction of religion through law, politics, and the nation-state. Students are introduced to the role of religion in liberal political theory, secularism, and the modern rise of the nation-state. Beginning with the Enlightenment, “religion” posed a challenge to liberal democracy in the West. This course tracks the history of how states have attempted to answer that challenge and the theories political thinkers have proposed. This course will be particularly helpful to students interested in religious studies, history, political science, law, and philosophy. HU


Michael J. Altman

  • Office hours: 

    Monday, 12:30pm-1:30pm; Tuesday, 9:00am-10:00am, and by appointment.

  • (205) 348-5271
US Bill of Rights


Religion and the American Constitutional Experiment

Witte, John
Religion and the American Constitutional Experiment
Westview Press, 2010

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Online Readings

UA Box Readings from outside of the required texts can be found in REL {course number}'s UA Box.