Welcome (back) mat

Last night’s “Week of Welcome” kick off event, held in Coleman Coliseum, was far better attended than we had imagined. The Religious Studies Student Association was there, along with Profs. Finnegan, Ramey (also representing Asian Studies), and Touna. Along with a few thousand incoming first year students. So, you know those 1,000 “welcome (back) mat” buttons that we got this summer, some of which we thought we’d bring to the first day of REL classes…? Well, they’re all gone. But […]

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Praxising What We Preach: Kickball and the Communitas of an Academic Department

Why do we teach our students social theory? Why teach them about collective effervescence, habitus, and discourse? I think we do it because we find these theories to be useful tools for analyzing and explaining the world around us. But often, I think, we academics are wont to apply these same theories to our more intimate surroundings. Theory is often a tool for explaining that stuff out there and rarely do we see it as a tool that we can […]

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